Ginger Powder
Most herbal medicines that you'll find in the market will have a hint of ginger powder in it. For centuries, Ayurveda has used ginger root for everything- form treating digestive issues to headaches, but only recently scientists have been able to recognize its clinical and medicinal properties. Dry ginger powder is widely used in the kitchen to add flavor and aroma. Dry Ginger powder is also known as Sonth in Hindi, Sonti in Telugu, Soonth in Gujarati, Suntha in Marathi and Shunti in Kannada. The powder is extracted from the ginger root which is dried. It is a fine off-white or slightly brownish powder that has a strong aroma and a pungent flavour. Easy to store, ginger powder has a long shelf life of about one year. If you didn't know about the many benefits of using ginger powder, here's a good chance to learn. According to Consultant Nutritionist Dr. Rupali Dutta, "Ginger powder has various benefits, especially in Ayurvedic healing. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help improve digestion. It is an exceptional natural medicine used for treating common cold. It has anti-bacterial properties too that help prevent any infections in the body."